November 24, 2014

Maritime & Arctic Security & Safety Conference (MASS15)

October 13 – 15, 2015 | St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

MASS15 Overview:

The Maritime and Arctic Security and Safety (MASS) Conference 2015, will be held from 13-15 October 2015 at the Delta Hotel in St. John’s. This three day international conference under the holistic theme “Collaboration for Effect”, will bring together whole of government, military, coast guard, academia, industry, research and other stakeholders for three focused daily themes:

Day 1 –  Maritime Domain Capabilities – Collaboration for Effect;

Day 2 – Search and Rescue Capabilities – Collaboration for Effect; and

Day 3 – Oil and Gas Safety and Security – Collaboration for Effect.

Last year, MASS14 attracted 230 delegates and this year we expect to be well over 300 delegates, as we maneuver to grow MASS into the key Canadian conference for maritime and arctic security and safety. In so doing, we will also showcase innovative capabilities to national and international delegates, some of which involves multidisciplinary engagement across aerospace, marine, defence and oil and gas sectors, in order to grow business and research partnerships.

Speakers of note for Manitoba Aerospace Assoc.

US Embassy – “US Arctic Council Chairmanship program; NL Gov – “Path to the Arctic”; Cmdre (Ret’d) Kelly Williams from GDMS-C – “Delivering Canada’s Arctic Destiny;  Flag ranks across Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, Canadian Coast Guard and United States Coast Guard; Fixed wing and rotary wing SAR briefs; LookNorth; Omnispace; Transport Canada; Polar Knowledge Canada; CBSA; Centre for Arctic Resource Development, to name but a few.

Manitoba Aerospace Assoc. engagement:

All told, MASS15 represents an opportune engagement and networking opportunity for the Manitoba Aerospace Assoc.  There is much happening in Canada to support Arctic activities, from the cutting of steel for the Artic Offshore Patrol vessels to the recent NL Gov signing of an “Arctic MOU” with Nunavut, the pace of Arctic activity is quickening across stakeholders in this region, denoting the potential for future business potential for the companies comprising Manitoba Aerospace Assoc. We have started to populate the speakers, this is the link to the conference and last year’s agenda is also available on it:

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