January 1, 2015

WE ARE ALL TREATY PEOPLE two-day workshop

Monday, March 14th and Tuesday March 15th, 2016, 8:30AM – 4:30PM

Long Plain First Nation Boardroom | 474 Madison Street, Winnipeg, MB R3J 1J1

Cost: $125 per person

Audience: People from the business and government sectors who want to learn more about the history, culture and experiences of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

Description: The two-day workshop will build participants’ understanding of the historic context of Treaties and Treaty Relationships, and the relevance of Treaties today, including their connection to present-day issues such as land disputes and the Idle No More movement. Participants will unpack misconceptions and stereotypes about First Nations peoples, and learn practical strategies to address and undo them. Participants can expect to leave this workshop with a richer appreciation of the diverse cultures, traditions and daily lives of Indigenous peoples and Nations, and a deeper understanding of how all Manitobans can be effective and engaged Treaty Partners.

For further information or to register, please contact Rachelle at: speakersbureau@trcm.ca or 204-777-1871 extension 105.

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